Curriculum Information

There are three phases of learning and development referred to within the primary years. Foundation Stage refers to children aged 3 to 5 years (this includes children in our Reception year). Key Stage One refers to those children in years one and two. Key Stage Two refers to those children in years three to six. 

The school curriculum comprises all learning and other experiences that the school plans for its pupils. We plan our curriculum using the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework and the National Curriculum for all other year groups, to ensure that our pupils gain a broad and balanced education during the seven years that they are with us, which will prepare them for the next stage of their education and lives.

More details of our curriculum including termly overviews of subjects and content to be taught for each class each term can be found on the individual class pages of the website under the Parents tab. 

Our School Curriculum Statement outlines what we intend our curriculum to achieve, how we implement this and what the impact of our curriculum will be on the outcomes for our pupils. This can be found below along with Subject Intent Statements for each subject that we teach. 

 Maths Subject Statement 052021.pdfDownload
 Music Subject Statement 072021.pdfDownload
 PE Subject Statement FINAL DRAFT.pdfDownload
 Religious Education Policy Jan 2023.pdfDownload
 Science Curriculum Statement FINAL.pdfDownload
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