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Welford Sibbertoft & Sulby School

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Governance in PDET

The Trust Board

The Board of Directors is the overall governance body and is accountable for the Trust.

For further details of our Trust's governance structure see: PDET's Governance Structure 

For the Trust’s memorandum and articles of association, annual accounts, annual report and funding agreement see:  Financial Information 

Our school's Supplemental Funding Agreement can be found here: 

Welford Supplemental Funding Agreement

The role of our Academy Governance Committee (AGC)

Local governing bodies, who are called Academy Governance Committees (AGCs) in our Trust, are  committees to which the Directors have chosen to delegate some specific responsibilities. AGCs engage with their local community and carry out the following very valuable role.

There are 2 key elements to the role of the AGC:

Vision and Values:

  • Help the academy set and review their local, contextual vision and values, aligned with the Trust’s vision.
  • Monitor and support the academy to ensure the vision is being ‘lived out’ in every aspect of academy life.
  • Preserve and further develop relationships with the community, and in particular with the church, in line with the academy’s and Trust’s vision and values. 

Delegated functions:

  • Carry out functions which have been specifically delegated to them as formal committees of the Board. 

For the Trust’s Board Remit and Scheme of Delegation, see: Scheme of Delegation 


The Chair of our AGC is Mrs Carolyne Robinson who can be contacted via: c.robinson@welford.pdet.org.uk 


Name Role Date of appointment Date stepped down (where applicable) if within last 12 months
Mrs Carolyne Robinson Church & Chair 30/06/2021
Mrs Anne Jones Church 29/01/2024  
Mrs Jessica Sandercock Community 17/10/2022  
Mrs Avis Catterall Community 08/03/2023  
Mrs Hannah Smurthwaite Parent (Elected) 02/12/2020
Mrs Sarah Lane Parent (Elected) 24/02/2022  
Mrs Abbie Underwood Staff (Ex-Officio)  01/09/2022


AGC Records

WSSES Attendance 2023 - 2024AGC Register of business and pecuniary interests


agc attendance 2023 24.pdf


agc register of interests.pdf


july 2024 agc minutes.pdf




Interested in joining our AGC?

If you are interested in becoming a governor, please contact the school for further information. An application form is available on our Trust's website to apply to become either a Community or Church Governor. 


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