At Welford, Sibbertoft and Sulby Endowed School, we have a total of four classes:
- Simmonds (Reception)
Ayling-Ellis (Years 1 and 2)
Attenborough (Years 3 and 4)
- Turing (Years 5 and 6)
Please click on the tab for your child's class to access key information about the curriculum as well as links to curriculum letters and learning resources.
Spellings and Home Learning
Simmonds (Reception)
Welcome to Simmonds
Class Teacher: Miss Holmes
Teaching assistant: Miss Martin
Simmonds class will be Welly Walking every other Wednesday afternoon, please ensure wellies and waterproofs are in school. We walk whatever the weather!
PE this term will be on Thursdays.
simmonds class mtp spring 2.pdf
simmonds class timetable spring 2.pdf
Ayling-Ellis (Years 1 and 2)
Welcome to Ayling-Ellis
Class Teacher: Miss O'Connor
Teaching assistant: Mrs Segond
PE this term will be on Tuesdays and Wednesdays
ayling ellis class mtp spring 2 florence nightingale.pdf
ayling ellis class timetable spring 2.pdf
Attenborough (Years 3 and 4)
Welcome to Attenborough
Class Teacher: Mon - Thurs Mrs Sandells
Fri - Miss Tivey
Teaching assistants: Mrs Highton, Miss Millard & Mrs Underwood (SEND)
PE this term will be on Monday and Thursday.
Please do contact me if you need to and I will respond as quickly as possible. Children are welcome to use this email address as well as parents.
See below for details of this term's teaching and learning plans.
attenborough class mtp spring 2.pdf
attenborough class timetable spring 2.pdf
Turing (Years 5 and 6)
Welcome to Turing Class
Class Teacher: Mr Jones
PE this term will be on Monday and Friday.
Please remember to wear correct PE kit and suitable footwear.
If you need to contact us please email the school office.
turing class timetable spring 2.pdf